Vsako podjetje ima svojo kulturo! Vprašanje je, ali je to kultura, ki si jo želite imeti?
Ko se ljudje čutijo razumljeni in zavzeti, so uspešne tudi organizacije, v katerih delajo
Pravi vodja s svojimi dejanji navdihuje druge, da si dovolijo sanjati, se nenehno učiti, delati bolje in razviti svoj potencial
Organizacijam pomagamo reševati težave z ljudmi!
Ko se ljudje čutijo razumljeni in zavzeti, so uspešne tudi organizacije, v katerih delajo.
Tu nastopi DISC !
This is where DISC steps in!
DISC is a powerful model of describing human behaviour to help unlock the answers to “why people behave the way they do” and has been helping individuals, teams and organisations to connect better for over 30 years.
DISC is a highly accurate tool that identifies and describes an individual’s preferred behavioural style and communication preferences.
It provides a blueprint to help people understand and appreciate what motivates others.
The results can be applied across all industries, market sectors, and roles.
Every year, over a million people across the world learn how to build better relationships with others using the DISC model.
DISC je zelo natančno orodje, ki vam pomaga prepoznati in razumeti vaš osnovni vedenjski slog in vaše komunikacijske preference.
Ponuja nekakšen načrt, ki ljudem pomaga razumeti in ceniti tisto, kar motivira druge.
Rezultate je mogoče uporabiti v vseh panogah, tržiščih in delovnih vlogah.
Vsako leto se več kot milijon ljudi po vsem svetu nauči, kako s pomočjo DISC zgraditi boljše medsebojne odnose.
Predstavljamo vam DISC Flow®
Emotional intelligence describes a way of recognising, understanding, and controlling how we think, feel and act so that these emotions work with us, and not against us.
By combining behaviour and emotional intelligence we have created a tool that is designed to help people have greater awareness of themselves and others, and crucially, make deliberate choices when interacting to improve communication and create stronger, more engaged and more productive relationships.
And the great thing about applying the DISC Flow® model is that while some people have high levels of emotional intelligence as a natural talent, for those that don’t, these skills can be learned and continually improved.
DISC Flow® je resnično edinstven – bolj uporaben, bolj osredotočen, bolj prijazen do uporabnika in v celoti bolj učinkovit.
Opolnomočite svoje zaposlene
Pripeljite model DISC Flow® v svojo organizacijo in dovolite, da se preobrazba delovnega okolja začne.
Supercharge your workforce
Bring DISC Flow® to your organisation now and let the workplace transformation begin.